Training and cruises while you learn to sail

Tag dit duelighedsbevis, yachtskipperuddannelse eller motorkursus ombord på Skuld VIII i Antibes, Sydfrankrig


Hvis du har saltvandet i årene eller mistanke herom, så er du kommet til det rette sted! Hos Sail 2 Learn har vi plads til alle erfaringsniveauer. Nogen ved blot, at vand er vådt, og andre har tilbragt årevis i Øresund på eget skib. Vi udbyder både det basale sejlerkørekort: duelighedsbeviset, men også overbygninger såsom yachtskipper af 1. og 3. grad og motorkurser. Du kan læse mere om de enkelte uddannelser under fanen Uddannelse. Man lærer ikke at sejle foran en tavle i et klasselokale, men med tovværket i hænderne og vinden susende for ørene. Derfor kombinerer vi teori og praksis med en uges uddannelse ombord på Skuld VIII i Antibes, Sydfrankrig. Udover at få et dueligheds- eller yachtskippercertifikat under armen, vil du få en eventyrlig uge i mindebanken sammen med resten af besætningen. Den sydfranske kyst byder nemlig på fantastiske solnedgange, smukt undervandsmiljø og hyggelige havnebyer.

Take your certificate of proficiency, yacht skipper training or engine course on board Skuld VIII in Antibes, South of France


If you have salt water in your veins or suspect it, then you have come to the right place! At Sail 2 Learn we have room for all levels of experience. Some simply know that water is wet, and others have spent years in Øresund on their own ship. We offer both the basic sailing licence: the certificate of competence, but also superstructures such as yacht skipper of the 1st and 3rd degree and engine courses. You can read more about the individual programs under the Education tab. You don't learn to sail in front of a blackboard in a classroom, but with the rope in your hands and the wind whistling in your ears. That's why we combine theory and practice with a week's training on board Skuld VIII in Antibes, southern France. In addition to getting a proficiency or yacht skipper certificate under your arm, you will have an adventurous week in the memory bank with the rest of the crew. The southern French coast offers fantastic sunsets, a beautiful underwater environment and cozy harbor towns.


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